Some pseudo poet folks, smitten by 5 lines,smiles,and lots of fun.....We like to comment on the state of our world in limerick form. Not that it improves the world, but it just might be improving our thinking, seeing, and writing.....
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Drinking the night away
127 people caught for drunk driving in one night (LINK)
One night with breathanaylzers on the street, Catching 127 people, was an impressive feat, If any drunk chaps , driving, you find, Create "Fear of God" in their mind, Tie them and throw them on the car's back seat.......
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Some like prose and some like verse, Enjoy these lines that we disburse, We do the stuff in fun, And should you not like one, Please feel free, below, to curse ......
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Some like prose and some like verse,
Enjoy these lines that we disburse,
We do the stuff in fun,
And should you not like one,
Please feel free, below, to curse ......