Monday, August 15, 2011

Memory Gain - Sequel!

This is Satchi's sequel to my post 'Memory Gain.' It is so well written that I have copied and pasted it as a post so that it can be seen by all.

So Dolly asked rather coyly
Can you tell me who is this Molly?
How dare you flirt around
When to me you are legally bound
And indulge in behaviour unholy?

She knocked him hard on his head
For many days he was laid up in bed
'Twas a good thing that she did do
For when he eventually came to
He finally remembered whom he had wed



  1. Dolly said to her Hubby,
    You eat all day long, and have become chubby,

    You brain has hence a lot of lard,
    it is not soft, rather very hard,

    That is why u dont remember my name,
    This is a shame.

    What u need is a whack on the head,
    Which will make u lay for weeks on thebed,

    Then i will diet food serve,
    That is what u deserve !!!

  2. The man told his wife,
    i would rather die, than live this life,

    You just give me aloo,
    Which u knowis eaten by bhaloo (bears )
    i feel u are very Chalu

    Madam, shakespher said, what is in a name,
    Does forgetting it makes it a shame ?

    A rose by any other name would smell as good,
    So darling, give me the original spicy food,

    Let the brain then get some energy,
    Then i can remember yr name properly , ji !!!

    kamal , at the request of Satchi

  3. ha ha...Satchi's ending should have been:

    She knocked him hard on his head
    For many days he was laid up in bed
    'Twas a good thing that she did do
    For when he eventually came to
    He finally remembered whom he had wed
    and said , "Oh! Dolly Dolly":)

  4. Vivek,

    Thanks for sharing it. He and Kamal + C P did a good job.

    Take care


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