That politics is a sport, and not a vocation,
Is the bitter truth, so clear in this nation,
They duck and they hit,
And steal bit by bit,
And for fun, shout in a parliament session.
The Gill police on Hockey have a grab,
Cricket headships the ministers just nab,
It may surprise you and me,
But Archery is with the BJP,
And athletics is studded with officials with flab..
Escalating Games budgets, always a delay,
More hotel rooms, more roads, they say,
But for those doing sport,
No help of any sort,
Selections and merit are unconnected, by the way....
Players less, but the managing officials are more,
Maybe the system is just rotten to the core,
No medals, no wonder,
A nation subject to plunder,
What remains, the owners themselves steal from the store ?
nice poem